We invest in and scalepurpose-driven digital technologycompanies and help them become world-class, efficient, sustainable organizations.
Our Purpose
To leverage the poweroftechnology to solve current environmental and socialproblems.
Our Values
Driven by the pursuit of successfulinvestment outcomes and the strongcommitmenttodeliveringvalue to our investors, portfolio companies and team.
Adhering to high standards of honesty, fairness and accountability on all aspects of our operations, and committing to ethical and transparent business practices.
Requiring strong communication, coordination and mutualrespect among team members, as well as a sharedcommitment to the fund’s mission. Leveraging the unique skills and experiences of each team member.
Buildingconfidence and reliance through our fund’s consistent and transparent communication, our commitment to ethical and responsible investment practices, and delivering strong investment returns.
Valuing and actively seeking diverseperspectives and backgrounds to create an inclusiveculture, while recognizing and leveraging the power of diversity to drive innovation, growth and value creation.